
This transmission is a potent light activation from Sanat Kumara embodied with deep heart healing. It is time to share your light with the world and allow your internal guidance to come through loud and clear. Letting the divine plan unfold for you. Activating the heart together with Lady Venus to remember the cosmic light you are here to share. Lady Venus supports you with downloads and understanding coming into your awareness as the truth is being revealed, inviting you to be pillar of light not only for yourself but for others too.


Experience the loving embrace of the Akashic Realm. Surrender to being held and supported as you embark on a journey to clear, cleanse and heal anything which is standing between you and the beauty which awaits you. Gift yourself by truly filling your own sacred cup and connect to your soul and the cosmos on this special gateway of the 7.7 energetic portal.


It is time to activate the Magician within you. Journey in to the Akash to clear, cleanse and heal anything which is standing between you in the loving arms of the Archangels. This transmission is idea to enhance your psychic gifts whilst connecting to your soul and the cosmos.


As you journey into the Akash through the portal of your heart, unite with the trinity of thyself. Together with the Akashic Guides and your team in spirit clear, cleanse and send healing your younger self, your present day self whilst creating divine alignment and equally paving the path forward for the highest time line for your future self.


As you gift yourself this time to journey into the Realm of the Akash the guides hold you in their loving embrace to release all that no longer serves you, activating the divine reset that you need in the given moment and creating the space and energetic recalibration for you to truly hone into your divine essence and inner power. Connect your soul to the cosmos and allow your sacred cup to be lovingly filled with the replenishment that your nervous system desires.


This transmission was channeled directly from the mountain on the 888 Portal. This truly is a transmission to deep cleanse your field, call in higher timelines, embody the light codes through the spoken light language by connecting to the mountain and the pyramid of Isis. It is a 45 minute healing session, which contains very potent codes. Not only are you anchored and connected to the root chakra of our planet, but you equally are united with Goddess Isis and are able to thereafter call her energy into your field to guide and heal you and to manifest your magic as your dreams, visions and goals are wanting to come through to be birthed into your reality for the highest good of all. You are moving between worlds


Learn Akashic Record reading
Deep healing through the Akashic Records
Rewriting your old belief systems
Connecting to the records of your crystals /pets /homes /business
Ancestral /Past life/ Inner child healing
Reclaiming your ancient wisdom
Calling in highest future timelines
Learning to read for others /clients
*Option to become a certified Akashic Record Practitioner directly with Kelly Leaning (included in price)


What are the Akashic Records
Learn to access, read and work in your own Akashic Records
How to release and heal blocks
Tapping into the past, aligning the present & calling forth future possibly timelines


Deep Akashic Healing
The story of you in the Akash
Understanding the true nature of all that is
Rewriting your old belief systems
Connecting to the records of your crystals/pets/homes


Ancestral / Past life/ Inner child healing
Reclaiming your ancient wisdom
Calling in highest future timelines
Akashic Record Reading for clients
*Option to become a certified Akashic Record Practitioner directly with Kelly Leaning (included in price)


Open up your psychic healer abilities
Reclaim your authentic power
Remove blocks with tapping
Implement numerous clearing and grounding techniques to transmute any interferences