This is my story...
My journey has been an unexpected one. Before 2015, I would not have dreamed of being on this path.
After the break down of my marriage I hit rock bottom. Trying to hold myself together for the sake of my two small children, who were 3 and 5 years old at the time, not living in my native country, I went into auto pilot mode. I had totally lost my identity, partly through my shy and people- pleasing nature and throwing myself in to trying to be the perfect mother for my kids. As I had lost my own mum, this pain was also resurfacing for me.
I literally needed to pull back together the pieces of my “shattered” self. This left me feeling worthless, lost, anger, lonely, not to mention overwhelmed. Not the qualities which I wanted to mirror to my children.
Through chance, I discovered Reiki training and decided to give it a go. Through the power of energy healing my emotional pain started to heal and more importantly I was slowly able to shift my mindset. I started learn Reiki and understand how to work with the energy and healing, how we are able to bring ourselves back into alignment and shift to a higher understanding and most positive mindset. Through oracle card readings and channelled messages via others, my interest and passion made me hungry to learn more.
I understood that I wanted to be able to heal myself, to learn to trust myself and no longer hide my authentic self away.
Admittedly, firstly I needed to dig very deep, to stripe away the conditioned layers to understand and get to know myself deeper. The more I healed, the louder the voice inside me got, encouraging me to take things further and become attuned. Firstly, to be able to use energy healing tools to continue to align and heal myself, and secondly to be able to help others. At that point I only had my children in mind and was completely unaware of how strong and clear my intuition already was and that my psychic “clair senses” were already awakening.
In August 2017 I was blessed to be attuned with a Goddess Isis Heart Activation attunement, which gently yet powerfully unlocked my own personal healing abilities. I was blown away and had so much gratitude that I was now able to start soul healing of myself and my children. The more my confidence grew, I knew that I wanted to learn more. I was still, however very much keeping myself in my spiritual closet to the outside world, friends and family included. I felt I needed to do this for me and was also concerned that they would think that I was slightly crazy. Hence, I still had a lack of self trust.
Reiki was calling me and I qualified as a Reiki Usui Practitioner, continually expanding my knowledge to additional crystalline Reiki treatments and ancient knowledge with Lemurian Light and Atlantean Reiki.
Sessions with these modalities are extremely heart activating and clients have honoured me with such profound gratitude.
In 2020 I qualified as an Usui/ Holy Fire 3 Master Teacher, now upgraded to World Peace Reiki Master Teacher and I am honoured and excited to attune others to this beautiful energy enabling others to have the ability to heal themselves. I also work with the Earth and channel Gaia Reiki since becoming a practitioner of this healing modality.
Oracle cards had always fascinated me and my soul was calling for more. Hence, I started to play with the cards and was astonished how my channelling abilities literally cracked open.
Wanting to polish and further attune these new gifts, I embarked on my journey learning the Akashic Records reading. My mentor helped me harness and trust my channelling abilities and I completed her programme and became a qualified Akashic Record Practitioner in November 2019.
I have been teaching others to work in the space of their Akashic Records and equally become practitioners in this modality since 2021. Since then my connection to Lemurian and Atlantean energies has deepened and light language is coming through more and more in my work, deepened with training in hypnotherapy and past life regression and trauma informed care.
Then along came May 2023 and it happened: Burnt out.
Yes. You read that correctly. A lightworker, a spiritual healer, a conduit for spirit, a lady of the akash burnt out?! Yes. I’m human, like us all!
After way too many years of my Kelly Avatar showing up with what has recently been reflected back to me in the so very direct German language, “it’s time to drop that superwoman cloak of mine. Discard it, shred it, burn it, whatever, but that Kelly is so done. She’s gone and she’s reconfiguring. Sounds harsh maybe, by so needed. Release the shame, share the truth. Unbounding from stories and back to basics.
My body pulled the hand brake on me because it was time to put the blinkers on the old stories, ways of being that I was fearfully unawarely or consciously holding on to and where I had got sloppy on my own boundaries and lack of carving out enough self care as the outside world overloaded me with a weight I could no longer hold. To be fair without my own energy work near me, I would have crashed much sooner.
Feeling disconnected, signed off corporate work, my sole focus was showing up as mum. Yet spirit was however indirectly talking to me though the presence of some very special individuals, for whom I am beyond grateful.
Burnt out but in fact my light actually didn’t get switched off. It desperately needed to turn inwards. And believe me that inward light was a very direct flashlight showing me what needed to be acknowledged and transformed. A work in progress. Reconfiguring. Like us all. And this is perfectly fine and I wish from my heart to yours that you are listening to your body and taking good care of thyself.
Since September 2023 I have now returned to my corporate job and have been offering Reiki sessions, workshops and certifications and the Akashic Records reading once again. Thanks to the wonders of these healing modalities, alongside hypnotherapy I have been able to get back into a good place within myself, refilling my own cup. I am immensely grateful for those individuals who have supported me along the way. We are all on our own unique journeys, with their highs and lows and I am blessed and honoured to guide and support others on their journeys too.
Although it is regrettable that my marriage failed, I very much still cherish this period of my life. If it didn’t happen or happen the way that it did, I have no idea how I would have landed on the path that I am now on. Although I would have trusted that the universe would have taken care of it, one way or the other, things may not have happened the way they did if I was not in that place. Additionally, thanks to my marriage I birthed two extremely precious children who are my absolute world.
Each and every one of us has the ability to tap in to infinite knowledge, to heal ourselves and I would love and be honoured to help you to do so. To trust thyself, to heal thyself and to be thyself and not stay stuck as that person who others think you should or want you to be. Step into your heart, listen to your intuition and align yourself to your highest potential. This is a long life journey for us all. Namaste.
Activating Your Akashic Connection
Here Steve Nobel, Soul Matrix Ltd is interviewing Kelly Leaning on her work in the Akashic Records. This podcast ends with a meditation. Is it easy to learn Akashic Records reading? Are there different ways to read the records? What are the benefits of accessing and reading them? How can we experience healing from old programs and experiences while connecting to the records? What’s important to you?
Get To Know Me
“Get to know me” during this podcast with Laura Mazzotta.
Activate Your Inner Healer
Come “Activate Your Inner Healer” with me during this podcast on Spirit Session: A view with a light.
Podcast with Steph Furo
“Know me” more deeply on this podcast with Steph Furo.
International Certifications
Akashic Record Practitioner/Teacher & Alchemist
Reiki Usui / Holy Fire III World Peace Master Teacher
Angel Guide & Angel Card Practitioner
Crystal Energy Healing Guide
Atlantean Reiki & Lemurian Light Master Teacher
Goddess Isis Healing Practitioner
Gaia Reiki Practitioner
Trauma Informed Care Practitioner
Past Life Regression Practitioner
Hypnotherapy Practitioner
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