Awaken Your True Self
The Akashic Records are the most powerful acceleration tool out there because they turn on your access to infinite intelligence and this is something you can use every day. It does not depend on where or whether you work.
The Akashic Records are equally valuable to a stay at home parent, as someone who has their own deep spiritual practice or is already deep on their spiritual journey. It is your divine birth rate to have access your ethereal library where all soul information – past, present, future – has been recorded at a click of your fingers.
As a certified Akashic Record Practitioner and Teacher, from the Akashic Academy with Emily Harrison, I truly believe that each and every one of us can connect and learn to read the Akashic Records.
Akashic Record Reading

Have a session with me
Together we go into the space of your akashic records to answer any questions and receive any guidance that is needed in your life. Via video chat i meditatively bring us in to this sacred space.
Here we connect with your higher-self and your guides and any additional light beings who wish to step forward to assist you. The Akashic Records are simply put “the library of your soul since your creation”.
In this sacred space, all information from your past, present and possible futures can be accessed, healed to guide us forward in our lives.
44,00 € for a 30 min session /88,00 € for a 60min session.
Alternative request appointment via
Akashic Record Certification

Akashic Records - self study recorded content
- Learn to read your Akashic Records
- Deep healing through the Akashic Record reading
- Rewriting your old belief systems
- Connecting to the records of your crystals /pets /homes /business
- Ancestral /Past life/ Inner child healing
- Reclaiming your ancient wisdom
- Calling in highest future timelines
- Learning to read for others /clients
- *Option to become a certified Akashic Record Practitioner directly with Kelly Leaning (included in price)
Akashic Healing Experience
Tap into the realm of the Akashic Records reading - free meditation
Take a meditative journey with me and experience the healing energy of an Akashic Light Bath
Activate Your Akashic Connection
Experience an Akashic healing transmission with EFT (Emotional freedom technique)
Podcast: Activating Your Akashic Connection.
Here Steve Nobel, Soul Matrix Ltd is interviewing Kelly Leaning on her work in the Akashic Records.
This podcast ends with a meditation.
Is it easy to learn Akashic Records reading? Are there different ways to read the records? What are the benefits of accessing and reading them? How can we experience Akashic from old programs and experiences while connecting to the records? What’s important to you?